I'm happy and proud to announce 'Unknown Planets' compilation by Planet Terror Records is out now !!
Planet Terror Records is a netlabel based in Sheffield, UK dealing with the most diverse styles and moods. Let me introduce them to you by quoting themselves : Planet Terror Records is a netlabel. The ethos is to share our music with the world on a strictly non-profit basis. Our sole aim is to spread the love.
Good music is good music, no matter the genre or style. We are committed to spreading the sounds of unsigned talent.
Their fifth release is made from music coming from every corner of the Europe. All the tracks are really worth listening, but I'll highlight two of them in particular. 'Mr Morningstar' is a tune by Titus Twelve from Bristol, and it sounds like Jahtari meets Skream! And then there's a dub number by Kindread. He's from Italy and the tune is called 'Kin Vibration' and trust, you could easily mistake this for some Vibronics tune. Its a song made to feed the scoop bins so watch out your subwoofer!!

Archive.org is providing the link to download this release, which is provided in full quality 320kbit MP3 format, so you got no excuse to start exploring those 'Unknown Planets' !!
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